Kory Melby BR Ag Consultant |
Weights & MeasuresCattle - Cotton - Corn - Soybeans - Land
This page will give you the necessary information to understand Brazilian ag terms used in different ag sectors.
Cotton:Measured in Arrobas.
1 Arroba = 15 kgs = 33 pounds 1 US bale = 218 kgs = 480 pounds 1 US bale = 14.54 arrobas |
Land:Hectare (ha):
1 Ha = 2.47 Acres Acre (ac): = .4 hectares Alqueires (alq): Widely used for crop and ranch land. Varies depending on the region. Baianos (State of Bahia) = 9.68 Ha Goiano (State of Goias) = 4.84 Ha or 11.95 Acres - mostly for ranch land. Mineiro (State of Minas Gerais) = 4.84 ha Paulista (State of Sao Paulo) = 2.42 ha |