Porto do Itaqui opened in 1972. It services the Matopiba (+map) agricultural area, which is formed by the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia.
Railway shipments of fertilizers through the Port of Itaqui began Oct. 2022.
The year 2023 was special for the Port of Itaqui, which recorded a large increase in grain movement, compared to 2022. The total volume handled was 36.4 million tons. Much of it came from agribusiness, with 13,149,740 tons of soybeans, 7,1079,689 tons of corn and 127,735 tons of soybean meal and 3,599,111 tons of fertilizers. In total, the highlights, in relation to 2022, are soybeans (+17%), corn (+11%) and fertilizer (+22%).
The state of Mato Grosso, the main producer of soybeans and corn in Brazil, helped a lot in the growth of this movement. From January to November, the state moved, via Porto do Itaqui, 1,710,712 tons of soybeans and 1,425,619 tons of corn.
The final destination of grains exported through the Port of Itaqui is, for the most part, China. In 2023, 10 million tons of soybeans and 1.9 million tons of corn were sent to the Asian country.
Other important destinations for grains exported through the port are: Spain (soy: 742 thousand tons / corn: 1.1 million tons); Thailand (soybeans: 449 thousand tons); Turkey (soybeans: 396 thousand tons); the Netherlands (soybeans: 141 thousand tons); Taiwan (corn: 584 thousand tons); Japan (corn: 544 thousand tons) and South Korea (corn: 504 thousand tons).
The growth in grain exports, recorded by the Port of Itaqui, is the result of the increase in agricultural production in Brazil and the international demand for agricultural products. The port is an important logistical hub for the flow of agricultural production from the Brazilian Center-West, a region that concentrates the largest soybean and corn producers in the country. Its operations place it as the largest port in the Arco Norte region of Brazil.
According to the president of Porto do Itaqui, Gilberto Lins, 'Porto do Itaqui is increasingly consolidated as an important logistics hub in Brazil. In 2023, the port recorded record growth in movement. This result is the result of the joint work of the port team, rural producers and our logistics partners. We are committed to continuing to invest in the port so that it can continue to meet the demands of the agricultural sector and contribute even more to the development of Brazil”, he concluded.
2023: The best year in the history of Porto do Itaqui
Among the main achievements of Porto do Itaqui in 2023 are:
The movement of 100 thousand tons of fertilizers via the Arco Norte corridor, which represents the beginning of the commercial operation of the corridor.
Signing of an agreement to implement the first decarbonization plan for a public port in Brazil.
The first docking of ships alongside, an operation known as Ship to Ship.
Receiving an automatic spreader, one of the most modern equipment in the world for moving containers.
Winning second place in the Best Port Management Award in Brazil.
The award as the best in Brazil in the environmental performance index and best ESG and Innovation practices from the National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq).
The operation of the thousandth ship in the same year, for the first time in history.