Biomass represents 8.8% of the energy matrix of Brazil
26/07/16 - The power granted by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) in the energy matrix of Brazil indicates that biomass accounts for 8.83% of the national total, equivalent to 14,019,781 KW.
Sources of biomass, bagasse from sugarcane represents 78.2% of the total to 11,008,691 KW.
The forestry sector comes second in the list, with 20% of the total, equivalent to 2,803,847 KW.
The other sources of bio-mass as animal waste, municipal solid waste, liquid biofuels and other agribusiness, divide the remaining 11.8%.
The share of less than 9% of the biomass in the Brazilian energy matrix may seem little. In fact, it could be much higher, but it is worth highlighting the importance of these sources of energy in the context list, with 20% of the total, equivalent to 2,803,847 KW.
Figures prepared by the Sugar Cane Industry Union (Unica) in June 2016, from Aneel data show that biomass ranks third on the list, behind fossil fuels representing 17.25% of the total energy matrix with 27,388,731 KW. The water source remains in the lead with 66.95%, equivalent to 106,296,520 KW.
The bioelectricity, clean source of generating energy , takes the second position in the Brazilian energy matrix when it stratifies the fossil source, derived primarily from natural gas, oil and coal. This is because natural gas, leader of fossils with 13,214,271 KW, has an installed capacity below the biomass source (table). With reference only to bioelectricity cane , the sugar-energy industry today has 7% of the power granted in Brazil, is the third most important source of generation of the national energy matrix in terms of installed capacity, behind only water source and power plants with natural gas .
Recent History:
The annual evolution of the national installed capacity shows that the biomass source had its record in 2010 with 1,750 MW (equivalent to 12.5% of Usina Itaipu), the result of previous investment decisions to 2008, when the scene it was stimulating the expansion of the sugarcane industry. Biomass source, which has come to represent 32% of the growth of the installed capacity in the country, is expected to end 2016 with only 7% of the annual increase in installed capacity in Brazil, index may fall to just 3% in 2020.
In 2014 biomass-fired power plants increased by more than 20% generation to the National Interconnected System (SIN) from the previous year. Already in 2013, the increase was 32% compared to 2012. The generation by biomass in general continued to grow in 2015 but at a slower pace compared to previous years. From January to December last year, data from the Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE) show that bioelectricity generated a volume of approximately 9% higher than for the NIS compared to the same period of 2014. The accumulated value 2015 shows that biomass generated the equivalent of supplying 11.7 million Brazilian homes.
Also according to the CCEE, in August 2015 the biomass source hit a record high monthly generation to the network, reaching represent 8% of national electricity consumption that month . The sugarcane industry has also shown significant growth in the electricity supply to the National Interconnected System. From 2013 to 2014 the growth in the supply of surplus to the grid was 21%.
Already in 2015 the increase was 4% over the previous year. The supply of 20.2 KWh the sugarcane industry to the network in 2015 represented a saving of 14% of water in electric sub reservoirs Southeast / Midwest, precisely because this generation occurs during the dry season, a critical period in the electricity sector. This energy renewable and clean supplied to the network is equivalent to having provided the service to 10.4 million homes throughout 2015 and avoided the emission of 8.6 million tons of CO2, a volume that would be achieved only with the 60 million crop native trees over two decades.
Since 2013 the sucroe-nergético sector is generating more energy electricity to the SIN than for own consumption of the industrial units, being in a relationship 60% of energy to the network and 40% for own consumption in 2014. from 2010 to 2014, in terms of kWh indicator exported to the grid per ton of cane processed, the bioeletrici-ness had an increase of almost 120%.
From 2004 to 2015, the bioelectricity from bagasse sugarcane has sold a total of 120 projects in the regulated auctions totaling 1,622 MW (or 14,209 GWh to annual delivery). In addition to the A-5 auction in 2016, held in April, are already scheduled two Reserve Energy auction for wind power, solar and small hydroelectric plants (PCH).
However, the biomass-sa source was not invited to participate in these competitions, that is repeated since 2011. According to the Energy Research Company (EPE), in 2014 there were 177 sugar mills units, from a universe of 355 plants (Unica), exporting surplus bioelectricity to the network.
There are therefore many plants that can undergo a reform process (retrofit) to take full advantage of the bagasse, straw and biogas to provide bioelectricity to the network. The last Ten Year Plan for Energy Expansion (PDE 2024 ) indicates that the generation of sugar-ener-cience bioelectricity to the network has the technical potential to reach more than six times the mains supply volume in 2015, considering the full use of existing biomass (bagasse and straw) in the cane fields last year.
The PDE also shows that the technical potential of annual generation to the grid by biomass of cane can go beyond and reach nearly two size of Itaipu, generating 165 TWh / year by 2024.
Last year, the generation of energy for network by biomass from sugarcane accounted for 4.3% of national consumption energy electricity in Brazil. If the country fully exploit the technical potential of bioelectricity from sugarcane , according to EPE, only this unit has capacity to represent 24% of national consumption on the network by 2024.
Government reassesses auctions energy 2016
The Brazilian government will revisit the auction schedule for hiring new energy plants scheduled for 2016. According to the Minister of Mines and energy, Fernando Coelho Filho, you need to assess the actual need for expansion of the installed capacity of the country, whereas the consumption of energy has fallen. In this scenario, the distribution companies claim to have contracted more electricity than demand. The review is part of the MME reorganization and related organs. Despite the possibility of change, Coelho Filho said that the idea in principle is to keep the competitions. There are two reserve auction (LER) already scheduled for hiring new plants, from 29 July and 28 October.
Both had the date set in March, before the departure of President Dilma Rousseff, who faces impeachment proceedings. "Maybe not occur on the planned dates, have any adjustments as to the date, but our disposition is to do," said Coelho Filho told reporters. According to the secretary - executive of the MME, Paulo Pedrosa, the settings on the auctions should be completed only after assessment by the energy Research Company (EPE), the body that promotes studies on the expansion of generation and transmission of energy and is responsible for the preparation and technical support to auction power .
Pedrosa highlighted the strategic importance of the auction to attract investors and technology, but also advocates a reflection on the cost of energy to the consumer when there is oversupply. The Brazilian Association of Electricity Distributors (Abradee) states that the segment utilities should end in 2016 with approximately 13% of surplus energy , generating losses for companies that have been selling the surplus at low prices on the spot market for electricity.
Paulo Pedrosa set the issue of surplus energy as a theme "urgent" to be treated by the MME and said the government seeks a "structural solution" to the problem. Performance of plants to biomass grows 10.5% in 1st tri 2016 in the first three months of 2016, Brazilian thermal power plants to biomass produced 10.5% more energy compared to the same period last year.
Data from the Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE) indicate that the generation in the period was 722.6 MW, compared to average 654.2 MW in 2015. The installed capacity of the plants moved to the biomass of the National Interconnected System (SIN ) also increased and reached 11.5 GW in March, up 9.7% over the same period last year, when the capacity was 10.5 GW.
According to the monthly newsletter InfoMercado, generation reached 1,077 MW in March, highlighting the performance of São Paulo, which remains the dominant producer of energy from biomass. São Paulo plants delivered 481 MW, equivalent to 44.7% of the generation source in the SIN.
Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia and Paraná appear following with averages of 275.7 MW, 61.9 MW and 59 MW, respectively.
The analysis of installed capacity, SP (5,166 MW) is also the main highlight, followed by MS ( 1,830 MW), MG (1177 MW) and GO (1,034 MW).
The data also indicate that the residue of sugar cane was the fuel most used by plants to biomass. The material represented about 80% of the total, with 858.9 MW. Following is the black liquor with 13% (141 MW) and biogas from municipal solid waste 3% of the total (32 MW).
In March, 244 plants fueled with biomass in operation were registered at CCEE, verses the 229 facilities registered in the same period of 2015. Entrepreneurs advocate greater use of bioelectricity a group of representatives of the National Sugar-Energy Forum was in Brasilia, DF, the first week of June to present the ministers of the interim government of Michel Temer the main demands sector to boost cogeneration power from bagasse sugarcane in the country.
Led by the organization 's president, Andre Rocha, the group was received by ministers Fernando Coelho Filho (Mines and energy), Marcos Pereira (Industry, Trade exterior and Services), Bruno Araujo (Cities) and Gilberto Kassab (Communications / Science, Technology and Innovation). Rocha said the receptivity from the ministers was "very good" and that soon the Sugar-Energy National Forum should discuss the claims of sector with the heads of Finance, Henrique Meirelles, and Agriculture, Maggi, as well as senators and representatives. "We have begun to address the issue of bioelectricity. We want to increase the participation (of biomass as a source of energy ) in order to help the industry out of the crisis and contribute to a renewable source," he said. "Today, all plants are self-sufficient, but only 40% export energy (for the network)," said Andre Rocha. According to the president of the Forum, demands were presented around the competitiveness of ethanol versus gasoline, which involves increased Intervention Contribution in the Economic Domain (Cide) on the fossil fuel and the extension of the PIS / Cofins, which expires in December. The latter refers to a presumed credit equivalent to zero incident rate on ethanol . The tax offset with cutting R $ 0.12 per liter of alcohol , was taken in 2013.