Inpasaannounces R$ 1.2 billion for a new corn ethanol unit in Brazil. The Brazilian company, considered the largest processor of corn into ethanol in Latin America, will have a second production unit in Sidrolândia,Mato Grosso do Sul.
China is the largest trading partner of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Agribusiness products account for 90% of MS exports.(2022)
MS-GDP: R$ 106 Billion (rank 16)
Agriculture represents 30% of the MS-GDP.
Agriculture represents 71% of GROSS VALUE OF PRODUCTION, with emphasis on soybeans and corn.
EXPORTS MS exports close the year 2022 at US$ 8.2 billion, the highest value in the State's history.
Soy in grain appears as the first product in the export basket, with 25.09% of the total exported in terms of value. The second product is Cellulose, with 18.6% share, with an increase in terms of value of 2.27% compared to January to December 2021. Other outstanding products were corn in grain, which increased 701.77% %; beef, which grew by 26.87%; vegetable and animal oils and fats, 53.88%; poultry meat, 7.49%; pig iron and ferroalloys, 161.9%. SOURCE