Cuiabá is the gateway to the new ag frontier located to the north of the city. 3 major airlines service the city. It takes about 1.5 hours to fly from São Paulo to Cuiabá. From Cuiabá, one can connect toSorrisovia Azul Airlines. One can also use various forms of ground transportation including buses, vans, and rental cars.
Cuiabá has 3 soybean meal crushing plants. Soybeans are transported from the north to either Cuiabá or Rondonopolis. The soybeans are crushed into meal and oil. The meal is then transported back out to the frontier as a feed supplement to hogs and chickens. The oil is used locally or trucked to other population centers for human use for cooking oil.
There are plans to extend the railroad from Rondonopolis to Cuiabá. Rondonópolis is a city of 125,000 people 3 hours to the southeast of Cuiabá by car. With these plans in place Cuiabá will continue to be a major HUB of economic growth. All crop input supplies pass through Cuiabá as they go north to the frontier. And all crop production from the north of Cuiabá pass through the city. During the busy harvest season it is said that 10,000 SEMI-tractor trailer trucks (60 tons) make the trip back and forth from Cuiabá to Rondonópolis PER DAY.